Access Thrill Online Free Movie

Access Thrill Online Free Download

  • Title: Thrill
  • Year:
  • Duration: unknown
  • Rating: 7.9
  • Genres: Drama, Crime, Mystery
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Summary Thrill

Two punks kill a random victim for the thrill of it. But the prosecution faces the difficult task of convicting two people of the same crime.

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate the shooting death of a young fast food delivery man, Matthew Wheeler. The investigation reveals that someone phoned several fast food outlets late that night requesting deliveries to what is now a boarded up store. Only one restaurant agreed to the delivery. From the information they've been able to gather two young men, eventually identified as Joey Timon and Dale Kershaw, had talked about randomly shooting anyone just for the thrill of it. They are eventually arrested but the DA's office has a dilemma - which one of them actually pulled the trigger.

A delivery boy is lured to a remote location by two punks who kill him for the thrill of it. The suspects are tracked down, but the evidence is shaky. The suspects then accuse each other of taking the fatal shot, thus casting reasonable doubt on each other's contribution. In an attempt to gather more evidence, recordings are made of their conversations with visitors in prison: on one recording, one suspect makes a full confession to his uncle, but it turns out the uncle is a priest. A legal debate ensues as to whether the tape is admissible. Eventually it is decided that the two will no longer be tried jointly, which undermines their mutual accusations defense. McCoy manages to get a plea bargain from one suspect and gets them both convicted for the crime. In a subordinate story, Detective Curtis learns that his wife is diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

Synopsis Thrill



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