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Access Avatar Online Free Streaming

  • Title: Avatar
  • Year:
  • Duration: unknown
  • Rating: 7.7
  • Genres: Drama, Adventure, Action
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Summary Avatar

Dr. Lee is adapting a virtual reality chair for use as a training device. Teal'c thinks its current scenario is all too easy and agrees to work with them to make it more realistic. He enters the game scenario and is quickly "killed" at which point the chair shocks him. Lee says it must be part of its basic construct. As the scenario resets - it's an invasion of SGC by Goa'uld - Teal'c is repeatedly killed and shocked putting him in danger. The computer program is set up to learn after each scenario and the challenge for Teal'c increases at every turn. Daniel volunteers to enter the game as well to see if together they can find a way out.

Teal'c is invited to assess the software of a Goa'uld invasion of the SGC using a virtual reality chair developed by Dr. Lee and his team for the training of the SGC military. Teal'c finds the game too easy and agrees to help Dr. Lee, interacting with the software to improve the game. However things go wrong when the software learns Teal'c's abilities and reactions, successively killing him and resetting the game. When there is the risk of the real death of Teal'c, Daniel offers to participate the game to help his friend. Will they succeed to win the software?

Dr. Lee and his team have modified one of the virtual reality chairs last seen in "The Gamekeeper" to host a combat simulation for training Stargate personnel. After claiming the simulation isn't realistic, Teal'c agrees to help the scientists refine it. Inside, he faces steadily mounting hazards. Worse, his own ego prevents him from leaving until the last Goa'uld is destroyed. Each time he dies in the scenario, the chair shocks him. Teal'c must find a way past the barriers of his own mind to escape before the virtual deaths sum to real fatality.

Synopsis Avatar



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