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- Title: The Wrong Man
- Year:
- Duration: unknown
- Rating: 8.4
- Genres: Drama, Sci-Fi, Action
Summary The Wrong Man
After learning his sleeve's identity, Kovacs demands the full story from Ortega. A tip from Poe leads to a major breakthrough in the Bancroft case.
Ortega discloses to Kovacs the interrogation of her partner and lover Elias Riker to a man to know what happened to his friend Mary Lou Henchy. Kovacs decides to seek out Bancroft to learn why he was dropped into Riker's sleeve and Miriam tries to seduce him offering his freedom and a new sleeve if he stops his investigation. He refuses and heads to an infected area where Bancroft is and he explains why he selected that specific sleeve. Then he dies completely infected and is worshiped by the infected people while he is sleeved to another clone in a clean area. Poe gives a lead to Kovacs where Bancroft was on the night that he died. He goes with Ortega and they find a footage of Isaac and Bancroft, uncovering a secret.
Synopsis The Wrong Man
S1 E5Kovacs beats a man tied to a chair demanding answers, how did Marylou Henchy fall? Henchy was coded Neo-C and Kovacs says she was a friend. The man being beaten is a CTAC Admin guy and may have changed Henchy's codes. Ortega comes with a gun drawn to stop Kovacs. She releases the man and hugs Kovacs, who is actually her old boyfriend Ryker. Back in real-time Kovacs then asks Ortega why Dimi2 thought he was Ryker.
Poe still won't let Elliott see Lizzie. Kovacs arrives but is not helpful and is angry. Ortega comes in with the head, wraps it in a tablecloth and leaves.
Kovacs goes to the Bancrofts, he slugs a guard before Miriam lets him in. Laurens is not home, Miriam invites him to stay. She asks him to drop the case for double the pay and promises. She says her husband killed his other self and she does not like how the whole family is dependent on him. She has her own cloning facility and suggests she can offer more sex and freedom.
Ortega removes the stack from the Dimi2 head and calls a tech, Mickey, for some off the books work.
A man chats up a uniform cop, both Asians.
Kovacs goes to a guarded warehouse, poor folks are inside, Bancroft is there playing with them. Bancroft acts like a benevolent master hugging and touching the rabble. They were infected by a contagion bomb and are in quarantine. Bancroft is getting sick with pustules on his face.
Ortega gets Mickey to sleeve Dimi2 for questioning.
Bancroft gets weaker and coughs, makes a rambling speech as everyone listens. He dies.
Kovacs returns to the Raven Hotel. Elliott is drinking whiskey in the lobby but leaves when Abboud arrives. Abboud tells Kovacs he is wearing Ryker's skin, that's why Ortega is attracted to him. Abboud warns Kovacs to keep Ortega safe or else.
Poe gives Kovacs a lead for the fightdrome.
Ortega's mother fires a weapon at Kovacs as he comes to see her. He found out Bancroft was at the fights the night he died. They go to the fightdrome. The AI Manager recognizes Kovacs as Ryker.They want video of the night Bancroft was there, he refuses for his customers privacy, but accedes when she mentions warrant.
Kovacs sees a clone, his old Asian self. The AI says it was cloned from old DNA. They watch video and see Bancroft pounding his own son, Isaac.
Kovacs and Ortega discuss afterwards. They fly drive to a house, Kovacs blows the lock and they enter. The house has famous artworks. They watch a video of Bancroft with other folks. They enter another room, with an expensive and illegal cell printer. They find a Lauren Bancroft clone sleeping in a chamber. Kovacs surmises the Japan deal was done by Isaac not the real Bancroft. Isaac could replace Laurens his father anytime. Ortega calls in a police forensics team.
She takes Kovacs to an apartment, he sees a photo of himself/Ryker and Kristen. She treats some of his scars and explains how Ryker got them. Ortega pulls away, confused, then they kiss and have sex. In the morning she explains that Ryker was framed for murdering the CTAC tech regarding Marylou Henchy, she had believed the frame-up.
Ortega has a list of unsolved murders. Someone named the Ghostwalker may be involved, she has a fuzzy rendering of him. Kovacs says the three cases are connected; Ryker, Bancroft, Ghostwalker.
They go to see Dimi2 in his temporary sleeve, the same body Ortega used for her grandmother on Halloween. The Russian won't talk. She threatens but the police Captain and a squad arrive to take him away. Abboud, Ortega , Dimi2 and a uniform cop enter an elevator, Kovacs notices something amiss, the cop is the Ghostwalker. In the elevator the cop pulls a wicked bladed tool and stabs Ortega, she fights back Abboud fights Dimi2. As the elevator reaches the basement Abboud sacrifices himself to save Kristen, who is saved again when the Ghostwalker's gun misfires. The cop says a prayer. Kovacs runs to meet the elevator, he carries a bleeding Ortega out.
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